Tech1 Technology
Realdesk11 Technology
Realdesk Technology Video
With our proprietary technology, we are bringing science
to what has for too long been only an art.
Proprietary - Cloud Based - Mobile - Web - Intuitive - Collaborative - Secure
Realdesk Technology
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Our team has always strived to stay on the forefront of technology. We have tested every CRM known to man. Frustrated with off-the-shelf systems, we decided in 2013 to embark on a new create the ultimate cloud based CRM by creating intelligent, automated and efficient workflows to turbo charge our business. Over the course of two years, we designed, built, tested and deployed an application we call Realdesk. Realdesk is at the center of our daily business, and is the one system that manages our entire real estate technology ecosystem. Our proprietary technology was built by our team from the ground up, and its foundation and architecture is based on over 20 years of high-level real estate experience. Realdesk allows us to deliver unparalleled service, analysis and value to our client by leveraging data to make faster and better-informed decisions. Below, are several core features of Realdesk:

ContactBlue Technology

BuildingBlue Technology

pipeline_icon_blue Technology

EarthIconBlue Technology

EmailIconBlue Technology

in_touch_icon_blue Technology

Contact Relationships

Property Relationships

Pipeline Management

Mapping & Google Earth Integration

Automated Client Communication

inTouch Constant Contact Assistant

lockalert_mark_blue Technology

MaintainIconBlue Technology

CloseIconBlue Technology

Vaultblue Technology

action_plan_icon_blue Technology

commissions_icon_blue Technology

LockAlert Lockbox Management System

Data Analytics

Requirement & Prospect Matching

MediaVault-AWS Cloud Storage Solution

Action Plan Task Automation

Commission Tracking System

Collecting mass amounts of real estate data is an important part of our business, but the real value comes from having a deep understanding of how to interpret, forecast and ultimately extract opportunities from it by use of intelligent analytics. Below are just a few examples of our LIVE and INTERACTIVE analytic reports:

Interested in a live demonstration of our technology? Click here to contact us.

LaptopImpactFees Technology

homeComputerFinal Technology